Portable Diagnostics & mHealth
Revolutionizing Healthcare with Portable Diagnostics

We Connect Technocrats and Healthcare Organizations to Transform Health Diagnostics

Portable Diagnostics & mHealth

The advent of Portable and Mobile Diagnostics has taken preventive healthcare to a new level. New cutting-edge technologies have permeated the healthcare industry. Portable and Mobile Diagnostics are a result of just this. These devices do not just measure health parameters but effectively diagnose the patients using algorithms. Portable and Digital Diagnostics are nothing short of revolutionary for resource-limited regions. In a world where pandemics are a reinforced reality, eliminating the need to go to risk-prone labs is an urgent need, and Portable diagnostics make this possible. These devices are used near a person to diagnose and monitor disease, even at the point of patient care. Coupled with mHealth, or Mobile Health, which means the application of mobile devices in Health, Portable Diagnostics have drastically improved the access to treatment and advice. With all these benefits, there is a critical need to overcome all the technological challenges in this area related to industry, sensors, hardware, connectivity, and operating systems.

IAM Consortium

IAM Consortium

IAM has constituted a consortium dedicated to Portable diagnostics and mobile health technologies. The objective of this consortium is to tackle all the challenges in this incredibly important area and work with companies to devise ways for improving health diagnostic processes. The consortium is designed to bring healthcare experts and business players from the healthcare industry on one table and discuss the future of portal diagnostics and mobile health. With our longstanding work in Health sensors industry, we are well equipped with all the knowhow and a global network with insights to tackle these challenges.

Portable Diagnostic Devices are only relatively new. From a modern home pregnancy test to a Portable Diagnostic machine and health tracking wearable devices, they are all around us. However, there is a need to create the required infrastructure for the proliferation of this technology. These devices have personalised and/or decentralised the health diagnostics and eliminated the need to move biological samples such as saliva, swabs, blood, or urine to a lab and eliminate risks and provide prompt results. Thus, facilitating the widespread use of these devices is a dire need for the Healthcare industry.

Objectives of the consortium:

The IAM consortium on Portable Diagnostics and Mobile healthcare attracts participants and speakers from all parts of the world. The consortium’s objectives are to:

  • Devise new methods and ways to support the utilization of Portable Diagnostics in the industry.
  • Discuss the technological challenges of the industry and form partnerships to overcome the same.
  • Utilize the direct insights of Medical Practitioners to develop a better understanding of the utilities and implementation possibilities of Portable Diagnostic Methods.
  • Discuss ways to spread more awareness the benefits of Portable Diagnostics and mHealth, especially in resource-constrained regions.
  • Develop new technologies to improve the efficiency of Portable devices.
  • Create an environment for collaboration between the commercial giants of healthcare industry and medical institutes and practitioners.